Andy’s ARC Group

Hi there!

This is where I have added my Advanced Review Copies (ARC) links for anyone who wants to join my group.

This is a community of authors/publishers who can use this space to share information about any new book releases they may have.

Here you can share your ARCs – (Advance Review Copy) – with one another to get legal reviews which will help boost interest for a book.

You can also use the group if you want to share your thoughts and ideas with one another regarding book creation, publishing and anything related. Ask questions, interact and generally make new friends.

At this time I am trying out 2 platforms to see which people prefer. Check them out below and sign up for free.

After signing up to both or either of those platforms you should be able to find my publishing ARC group at the links below OR just search for “Andys ARC Group” within the platform search box.

At present I am thinking of using the MeWe platform as primary and Gab as a backup.

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